Practice Closure Times for Public Holidays and Staff Training.
We will be closed on the following public holidays:
. 3rd – January
. 15th and 18th – April
. 2nd – May
. 2nd and 3rd – June
. 29th – August
. 26th and 27th – December
We will be closed from 12:30 once a month for staff training on the following dates:
. 12th – January
. 23rd – February
. 16th – March
. 6th – April
. 11th – May
. 15th – June
. 13th – July
. 14th – September
. 12th – October
. 9th – November
When the practice is closed, we recommend calling 111 for non-emergency medical needs and 999 for emergencies. There are also urgent treatment centres or A&E if you need to be seen urgently. Alternatively, you can visit NHS 111 online.